Graves Genealogies


Chart 152 is from the and was verified with YDNA testing.  My paternal grandfather was Glen Lewis Graves. His mother was Mary Elizabeth Jordan.  It is now believed that our Graves ancestor, Thomas Graves of Lunenburg Va. is descended from Francis Graves ( Gen 228) who is connected genetically with the Greaves family of Beeley, England.  Further discussion below.

Chart 152Graves_files/chart152.pdf
Chart 28 GreavesGraves_files/DNAchart28.pdf
Gen. 152 textGraves_files/gen%20152.doc
Chart 28 textGraves_files/GEN_28.pdf

Family pedigrees:

James C. Graves Graves_files/James%20C%20Graves%20pedigree.pdf
George H. Graves Graves_files/George_H_Graves_pedigree.pdf
Mary Elizabeth Jordan Graves_files/Mary_Jordan_pedigree.pdf
Richard Hardaway Graves_files/richard_Hardaway_pedigree.pdf
Silas Taylor Jordan Graves_files/Silas_T_jordan_pedigree.pdf
Elizabeth Stith Graves_files/Eliz_Stith_pedigree.pdf

Killarney, Ireland photo by Courtney Graves

Discussion of our Graves Genealogy

When I began looking into my family’s genealogy, I thought it would be easy and straightforward…I have found that this is almost NEVER true.  Because my father (AND mother) have so many Graves ancestors, and because they don’t always seem to be from the same family tree, I have tried to simplify our Graves genealogy here. If I have this wrong, please email me and let me know.

In one way or another, I have taken 100% of my information from the (Graves Family Organization) or from our personal family records.  By DNA examination, there are a number of families which are related to each other connections.pdf.  As far as I can tell, we are right in the middle of this bunch.   Until recently, it was believed that our line (Gen. 152 Thomas Graves of Mecklenburg, VA) was descended from Capt. Thomas Graves of Virginia (Gen. 169) through his youngest son, Francis (Gen. 220).  This has been ruled out by DNA comparison and is thoroughly discussed on the website.  DNA suggests that we ARE descended from Francis Graves (Gen. 220), but that he was NOT the youngest son of Thomas Graves of Va. 

Chart 228 connections (above) shows what is currently believed to be our line of descent.  My father is son of Glen Lewis Graves, and first cousin to Michael Loyd Graves (#1343, bottom right of Chart 152). 

Through Family Finder at FTDNA, we seem to be coming up with connections to Gen. 270 and 169…I’m going to have to look into this further.

Family groups with siblings:

Gen. 220 textGraves_files/GEN_220.pdf
Gen. 228 textGraves_files/GEN_228.pdf
Gen. 270 textGraves_files/Gen_270.pdf
James Coffman Sr. familyGraves_files/James%20Coffman%20Sr%20family.pdf
Thomas Graves familyGraves_files/Thomas%20Graves%20family.pdf
Elias Witt familyGraves_files/Elias%20Witt%20family.pdf
Elijah Largent familyGraves_files/Elijah%20Largent%20family.pdf
Allen Montgomery familyGraves_files/Allen%20Montgomery%20family.pdf
Marcus Largent familyGraves_files/Marcus%20Largent%20family.pdf
Samuel Shrewsbury familyGraves_files/Samuel%20Shrewsbury%20family.pdf
Nathan Shrewsbury familyGraves_files/Nathan%20Shrewsbury%20family.pdf
Thomas LargentGraves_files/Thomas%20Largent%20pedigree.pdf
Kitty LargentGraves_files/kitty_Largent_pedigree.pdf